Using different colours in your outfit is a fantastic away to achieve your desired outcome of a juicy comment of “You look amazing, what is your secret?”
CLICK HERE for some awesome visuals will make it super easy easy for you:
Wear lighter or brighter colours under a dark jacket or dark colours under a light jacket. What this does is “slice” the sides off your waist which creates the illusion of looking slimmer. The taller element happens because you are creating a vertical line. You are guiding the person that looks at you to look up and down.
Create a bright point of attention in you upper body. You can do this with a scarf, a colourful necklace, a great pattern in a top, great glasses. You might think “well, would that work for my body shape?” You are right, each shape will have different focus points and therefor I have created your Body Shape Do’s and Don’ts on the Style Angel website around the 8 Ways of Looking Slimmer and Taller! Simply click on your shape below.
Blend the colour of your stockings or tights with your skirt or dress. By getting this point right you WILL look Taller and Slimmer instantly. The moment you wear let’s say a black skirt with long black boots and you wear black opaque stockings you will create one vertical visual line going up your body. Let’s say if you chose no stockings that day or neutral/ skin tone coloured stockings —> bingo, you are creating a big horizontal line between the bottom of your skirt and the top of your boots which draws instant attention to usually a wider area of your body!
Wear nude shoes with skin tone stockings to again flow the colour up your body! Often this looks best in Spring and Summer.
As the Stylist for Diana Ferrari in NSW I would be honoured to book in a 90 minute session to see what suits your body shape and colours best! For more details:
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