Not that long ago, if you had a personal stylist, you were a celebrity, an elite executive, or perhaps a sports star. Today, these services are available to everyone and can make a significant difference when it comes to polishing their personal and professional style. Investing in your appearance isn’t vain. In fact, it can give you more self-confidence, open professional doors, and enhance your social standing – all important to your overall success and happiness.
When you meet with an image consultant, they will get to know you, your lifestyle, your body type, and your unique tastes to ensure they can help you build a wardrobe you’ll look and feel good wearing. Be prepared to discuss your job (or the job you want), your lifestyle, your social activities, and your budget. You’ll receive advice on the clothes you already own, pieces you can add and remove to optimise your wardrobe, and even makeup and accessories.
A good style consultant can provide valuable insights on the styles and colours that will enhance your style and body type, working with items you already own as much as possible. They’ll help you mix the classic and the trendy efficiently and make sure you end up with a wardrobe that covers all the different parts of your life without going over your budget. Many stylists also offer makeup packages that can teach you how to apply makeup flawlessly for different scenarios such as work and a night out, considering your unique features and incorporating the best ways to highlight them.
What about online fashion styling?
For people who prefer less of a commitment and would just like some fashion advice without signing up for a whole style package, hiring an online fashion consultant is a growing trend. This service allows you to take advantage of the services of a personal clothing stylist online, without ever meeting in person. Style Angel offers an online package that’s perfect for busy men and women. If you’re in a fashion rut, sign up for Style Angel’s 21-Day Style Challenge. What you’ll receive: 21 days of fashion advice from Senior Stylist Angela Barbagallo, including feedback on your outfits and recommended changes or additions.
During the challenge, you’ll upload a photo of your outfit each day for 21 days (or seven outfits each week, or 21 all at once – it’s up to you). Then, you’ll receive feedback on what looks great and improvements you could make to look your best. Have some extra fun – complete the 21-Day Challenge with a friend!
Style Angel – your online clothing stylist
Being too busy and not being rich and famous are no reasons to miss out on the incredible benefits of professional styling. With Style Angel’s affordable 21-Day Style Challenge, everyone can learn what they need to know about looking and feeling their best in their clothes every day. Get the five-star service you deserve from the style consultant with 18 years’ experience and zero judgement – contact Style Angel here to learn more.